Our news stories have reached thousands of readers in more than 70 countries since we launched the website in September.
Our goal is always to produce informative and actionable content that will help our fast-growing audience of short-term rental investors, hosts, and property managers.
Here are the five most popular articles of 2023:
Our most-read article of 2023 was about the pros and cons on allowing your guests to book for just a single night. This subject attracted considerable debate on our social media channels, with some hosts dedicated to one-night stays and others avoiding them at all costs.
Airbnb introduced a raft of updates as part of its winter release, with the main change being the addition of guest favourites – helping prospective guests to clearly identify the top listings. Guest favourites are rated above 4.9 on average and receive high marks for check-in, cleanliness, listing accuracy, location, and value.
Another Airbnb story – this time featuring input from across the HCH community outlining what they would like the world's premier online travel agency to do in order to help hosts.
Content which is educational and actionable is always popular with our audience, including this story about how to attract more bookings during the shoulder season.
We drafted this article after several members of the community said guests had charged their electric vehicles using a three-pin plug.